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Seat Time: 1.5hrs - Desc:

This course will discuss fraud and the bank’s commitment to compliance laws and regulations. This course will also explain the reporting process and other procedures. After completing this program, the learner will be able to:

  • Adhere to recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
  • Recognize and address instances of fraudulent activity.
  • Understand the reasons behind fraud and the role the learner plays in fraud prevention.
Seat Time: 0.75hrs - Desc:

This course will provide information on the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), including details on financial institution exemptions and compliance requirements. The course explores how FATCA combats tax law noncompliance within the United States. Upon completion of the course, the learner will be able to:

  • Effectively implement FATCA requirements in the institution.
  • Understand the importance and requirements of the tax law.
  • Prepare for FATCA application within the financial institution.

Seat Time: 0.25hrs - Desc:

This course will introduce the learner to Regulation R, which was jointly adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Federal Reserve Board (FRB). The course will describe for the learner the purpose of Regulation R and will also discuss conditions that must be satisfied for employees to receive compensation in an unlimited amount from a broker-dealer. After completing this program, the learner will understand:

  • What qualifies a referral fee as "nominal."
  • Restrictions on employee bonuses.
  • Requirements for institutional referrals.

Seat Time: 0.25hrs - Desc:

This course will introduce the learner to Regulation J, which establishes responsibilities of the Federal Reserve System and the rules for the collection of checks and other items. The course will discuss for the learner the relationship of the Regulation to the Federal Reserve System. After completing this program, the learner will understand:

  • Purpose of Regulation J.
  • Sending and returning items to a reserve bank.
  • Role of Fedwire in debiting and crediting accounts.

Seat Time: 0.25hrs - Desc:

This course will introduce the learner to the provisions of Regulation K, which governs international banking operations. The course will provide the learner with an overview of different corporations affected by the Regulation. After completing the program, the learner will understand:

  • Which international banking operations are covered under Regulation K.
  • Definition of "edge corporations" and "international corporations,"
  • Relationship of Regulation K to foreign banks.

Seat Time: 0.25hrs - Desc:

This course will introduce the learner to Regulation L and its relationship to bank management. The learner will be instructed on the rules and restrictions for management officials and if they can serve as management officials at other financial institutions. After completing this program, the learner will understand:

  • Restrictions on simultaneous management.
  • Exceptions to Regulation L.
  • Examples of depository organizations that will allow for simultaneous management.

Seat Time: 0.25hrs - Desc:

This course will introduce the learner to Regulation M, otherwise known as the Consumer Leasing Act. The learner will be instructed on the definition of leasing language, specifically "lease," "consumer lease," "lessee," "lessor," and more. After completing this program, the learner will understand:

  • Basic definitions of leasing language.
  • Requirements with disclosure forms and disclosure content.
  • When leases can be renegotiated and extended.

Seat Time: 0.25hrs - Desc:

This course will introduce the learner to Regulation N, which is internal to the Federal Reserve System and applies to foreign banking. The learner will be provided with an overview of the purpose of Regulation N. After completing this program, the learner will understand:

  • Restrictions established under Regulation N.
  • When Regulation N requirements apply.
  • Regulation N permissions.