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Credit Unions: Branch Manager Standards

Category: Credit Unions
T1. CU:The Importance of the Branch Manager: This topic will introduce the learner to the role and responsibilities of a branch manager, including tips for performing duties for superior member service.

T2. CU:Job of the Branch Manager: This topic will describe what the job of the branch manager entails, with information on employee-related and member-related activities in which the branch manager engages.

T3. CU:Employee and Member Needs: This course will inform the learner of the specific skills and abilities required to be an effective branch manager; some of these skills include effective communication, attention to detail, sales aptitude, and good judgment.

T4. CU:Branch Manager Challenges: This topic will illustrate the most common challenges that face branch managers in order for the learner to understand job expectations.

T5. CU:History of Your Credit Union: This topic will provide a brief overview of the three facets of a credit union that branch managers should be familiar with: experience, size, and future outlook.

T6. CU:Vision and Values: This topic will familiarize the learner with the importance of having a defined vision and values for the credit union, which can include honesty and integrity, member appreciation, and a commitment to the community.

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