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Time Management

T1. What is Time Management: This topic will introduce the learner to the concept and benefits of time management so that s/he understands how to use his/her time wisely in the workplace.

T2. Estimating Time: This topic will teach the learner about how to estimate time, including an introduction to the Pareto Principle, so that s/he is better prepared to estimate time for the betterment of his/her work.

T3. Planning and Prioritizing: This topic will provide the learner with an overview of planning and prioritizing so that s/he knows how to best prepare to use his/her time to the greatest effect.

T4. Delegating: This topic will introduce the learner to the benefits of delegating tasks as well as discusses how to decide if delegating is the right choice so that s/he understands how delegating could help him/her with time management.

T5. Saying ôNoö: This topic will help the learner understand what to do when the time comes to say ônoö to another person, an important skill that will help him/her with managing time effectively.

T6. Time Wasters: This topic will introduce the learner to the two types of time wasters, self-generated and environmental, so that s/he is able to recognize and avoid such pitfalls that prevent managing time efficiently.

T7. Over-Planning: This topic will teach the learner about the concept of over-planning, a problem that can actually slow you down, so the learner understands how to best prevent against the consequences of this obstacle to effective time management.

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