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The Business Writing Process

T1. The Business Writing Model: This topic will provide a brief overview of the business writing model, including details on how to produce effective writing and avoid ineffective pitfalls.

T2. Know Your Audience: This topic will explore the importance of understanding and addressing the audience, or reader, of any business letter, including a look at the various types of business readers.

T3. Identify Goals: This topic will define how to map out the purpose of a message by establishing the goals of the business letter, and will provide an overview of what to include in the thinking process.

T4. Structure the Message: This topic will offer a series of steps for structuring a message, including how to establish the objective, provide details, and wrap it up.

T5. Draft and Review: This topic will illustrate how to take the reader, goals, and structure into consideration in order to begin drafting and subsequently review the message being sent.

T6. Organization Tips: This topic will outline the importance of organization by emphasizing organizational strategy, memory, and reinforcement.

T7. Clarity Tips: This topic will define how to produce a clear, concise piece of writing by asking the learner a series of questions meant to prompt proofreading and editing activities.

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