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Negotiation Communication Skills

T1. Interpersonal Skills: This topic will discuss the notion that there is more to communicating than just talking, and will delineate between ôsendersö and ôreceiversö in communication.

T2. Verbal and Non-Verbal Skills: This topic will stress the importance of verbal and non-verbal communication skills by providing steps to ensure that the message is being sent clearly.

T3. The LISTEN Model: This topic will familiarize the learner with the LISTEN model, which consists of the following skills: listening actively, identifying key points, and summarizing, among others.

T4. Giving Feedback: This topic will focus on familiarizing the learner with giving feedback, specifically verbal and non-verbal feedback.

T5. Asking Questions: This topic will stress the importance of asking questions by providing the learner with the various purposes of asking questions and by defining essential and subsidiary questions.

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