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Canada: Detecting Money Laundering_CA

Category: Canada

T1. Terrorism Offences_CA: This topic will provide the learner with the definition of terrorist financing, and identify methods that are frequently used to fund terrorism. This topic will also identify the five objectives of the Government of CanadaÆs Anti-Terrorism Plan.

T2. Red Flags of Money Laundering_CA: This topic will provide the learner with suspicious activities that are associated with money laundering, and provide specific factors that indicate that a customer may be attempting to conduct to a suspicious transaction.

T3. Cases of Money Laundering_CA: This topic will provide the learner with four real-life case studies in which individuals or entities were found to be guilty of money laundering.

T4. Search and Seizure_CA: This topic will provide the learner with regulations regarding the transmission of Canadian funds into or outside of the country, including the appropriate forms that must be filed when mailing, or physically transferring a certain amount of money across the Canadian border.

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